Thursday, August 30, 2012


These amazing results were seen after only 3 days of using UNBLEMISH. If you would like to order this product, or know someone who could really benefit from me, please contact me.

The truth about pyramid schemes

This isn't a question I come across frequently, in fact I've only had one person assume that Rodan and Fields was "one of those pyramid things" thus far. To save face, I'll spare his name, but it WAS a family member and was NOT my husband ;)

Ok, so let's get started. First off, pyramids are an illegal investing operation with no products or services. You are simply recruiting people with the idea that they will recruit more people who will in turn recruit more people for no purpose other then to make the people on top of you in the pyramid richer. This is nothing like what I do.

Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields are two Stanford trained dermatologists that recently created their second skincare line. Their first line was Proactiv and was promoted via infomercials. Now the doctors are doing for aging what they did for acne. Their new skincare products were in high end department stores, but they removed them and built an entire new sales model in network marketing. They knew they could only reach so many people behind those glass cabinets at the department stores!! So now anyone has the opportunity to promote and sell these wonderful Rodan and Fields products.

In addition to selling the products, you do look for people to partner with you in an effort to spread the products out to as many people as possible. Trust me, once you've used a regimen, you will want to shout it out to everyone!!

One last note about pyramid schemes, if this was truly a pyramid scheme, do you think the doctors would plaster their names (and reputation) all over the products?? I didn't think so ;)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

R+F Self Tan review

I wanted to give some review information on the R+F self tanner. First off, let me start by saying that I am as pale as can be and started using self tanners in 1998. I was a senior in high school and very inexperienced with self tanner! I was brown then orange, my palms were discolored, my face didn't match my neck, I was streaky, and worst of all, smelly. Self tanners notoriously do not smell good. So over time, I did (thankfully) get better. I have tried ALL sorts of self tanners because I want color but I don't want the health risks of the tanning booth of course! With all these years of self tanner experience behind me, I can honestly say this is the best self tanner I have come across. It's a foam and comes out white. The first day, I didn't see much color. I was super disappointed, but I kept at it. Well the next day, a few hours after my second apply, whoa! I was a tan momma! No streaks, no orange and guess what?! NO SMELL!!! I can apply this in the morning AFTER MY SHOWER, and not worry. Fair warning though, you MUST wash your hands after. My personal tip to make your hands match your arms is to apply a small amount of self tanner to a paper towel and rub it in really good on the top of your hands and fingers. You have to be really careful to not apply too much. Less is more with this technique.

This unique product also has the RF Dcell technology that slows the rate of cell hyper-proliferation and prolongs your tan, awesome! It also contains antioxidant vitamins A, C and E which help protect the skin from free radical damage. Could this product BE any better?!

I forgot to mention that before applying the self tanner you will want to exfoliate. This is an important step to get the dead skin cells off so you are applying the foam to nice smooth skin. This will help lengthen the stay of your new beautiful tan as well! Happy tanning!

Interested in trying this product? Visit

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I could not be more proud to work for Rodan and Fields. The team members that I've come across along the way are the most positive, uplifting people I've ever met. I didn't take my decision to join R+F lightly. I learned about the company in early March and joined in late June. I researched the crap out of it. Googled everything I possibly could and certainly did my due diligence. I prayed long and hard. I discussed it with my family and had full support from my husband (very important for me!). Now that I'm "in", I love it! I created this blog to show my journey through Rodan and Fields. I hope it will bring you some enlightening information along the way!